Usually, we can be loose with what we consider an observation. The canonical observation is program termination: a one bit observation. This is equivalent to observing actual values at ground type, since the context
if [] = c then () else diverge
transforms value observations to termination observations.
So let's take termination as the basic observable. It turns out that, as least for call-by-name, it makes a difference where termination is observed: at ground type only, or at all types? Using the former, the programs λx.Ω and Ω are equated, because any CBN ground type context that uses them must apply them to an argument, in both cases leading to divergence. If, on the other hand, we observe termination at all types, then the context [] serves to distinguish them, since the first terminates and the second doesn't. Cf. Abramsky's work with lazy lambda calculus.
I'm curious about the methodological implications. An interpreter for Haskell based on ground equivalence could substitute Ω for λx.Ω, which means a user could type λx.Ω into the REPL and never get an answer. That seems wrong, or at least odd -- but do we care? Do we give up useful equations by observing at all types?
Update: clarified that the above remarks are specific to a CBN evaluation strategy.
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