Every functional programmer knows that tail-recursion is desirable: it turns recursion (in the stack-growing sense) into iteration (in the goto sense).
It's also well-known that transforming a function into continuation-passing style (CPS) makes it tail-recursive. Take, for example, the append function:
append [] ys = ys
append x::xs ys = x::(append xs ys)
appendCPS [] ys k = k ys
appendCPS x::xs ys k = appendCPS xs ys (λzs. k (x::zs))
appendCPS is tail-recursive, but only because we've cheated: as its goto-based loop iterates, it allocates a closure per element of xs, essentially recording in the heap what append would've allocated on the stack.
A standard trick is to write in accumulator-passing style, which can be thought of as specializing the representation of continuations in CPS. I invite you to try this for append. A hint: there is a reason that revAppend is a common library function.
Sadly, there is a general pattern here. When we want to iterate through a list from left to right, we end up accumulating the elements of the list in the reverse order. The essential problem is that basic functional data structures can only be built bottom up, and only traversed top down. Of course one can use more complex functional data structures, like Huet's zipper, to do better, but we'd like to program efficiently with simple lists.
In a 1998 paper, Yasuhiko Minamide studied an idea that has come to be known as "destination-passing style". Consider a continuation λx.cons 1 x which, when applied, allocates a cons cell. The representation of this continuation is a closure. But this is a bit silly. If we are writing in CPS, we allocate a closure whose sole purpose is to remind us to allocate a cons cell later. Why not allocate the cons cell in the first place? Then, instead of passing a closure, we can pass the location for the cdr, which eventually gets written with the final value x. Hence, destination-passing style.
The fact that the cdr of the cons cell gets clobbered means that the cons cell must be unaliased until "applied" to a final value. Hence Minamide imposes a linear typing discipline on such values.
The other important ingredient is composition: we want to be able to compose λx.cons 1 x with λx.cons 2 x to get λx.cons 1 (cons 2 x). To accomplish this, our representation will consist of two pointers, one to the top of the data structure, and one to the hole in the data structure (the destination). With that representation, composition is accomplished with just a bit of pointer stitching. The destination of the cons 1 cell gets clobbered with a pointer to the cons 2 cell, the new hole is the cons 2 cell's hole, and the top of the data structure is the top of the cons 1 cell.
Here is append in destination-passing style:
appendDPS [] ys dk = fill dk ys
appendDPS x::xs ys dk = appendDPS xs ys (comp dk (dcons x))
where fill dk ys plugs ys into its destination (the hole in dk), comp composes two destinations, and dcons x creates a cons cell with car x and cdr its destination. These combinators allow us to construct lists in a top-down fashion, matching the top-down way we consume them.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
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