Linear logic, via Curry-Howard, begets linear λ-calculus. Here's a simple implicational version:
M ::= x | λx.M | M N | !M let !x = M in Nwhere o is a base type. When a variable x is bound by a λ, it must be used exactly once in the body. When it is bound in a let, it can be used freely in the body. The catch is that in let !x = M in N, M must be of type !τ. Expressions of type !τ are introduced as !M, where M can only mention let-bound variables.
τ ::= o | τ ⊸ τ | !τ
There is an interesting and natural operational semantics for this calculus, where functions have a call-by-value (CBV) semantics and lets have a call-by-name (CBN) semantics. Rather than exploring that design choice, however, I want to talk about one way to exploit it.
It turns out that intuitionistic logic (IL) embeds, in a certain sense, into intuitionistic linear logic (ILL). The most well-known embedding is (A → B)* = !A* ⊸ B*, so that A is valid in IL iff A* is valid in ILL. The intuition is simple: a proof in IL is just a linear proof in which every assumption is treated structurally. Other embeddings are possible; I'm going to use (A → B)* = !(A* ⊸ B*), for reasons that will become clear momentarily.
The connection between IL and ILL propositions raises a question from the Curry-Howard perspective: can we embed λ-calculus terms into linear λ-calculus terms, such that their types follow the * embedding above? The answer is yes -- and more. Just as Plotkin gave two CPS transformations, corresponding to CBV and CBN semantics, we can map λ-calculus into linear λ-calculus in two ways, again preserving CBV and CBN semantics.
First, the CBV version:
x* = !x
(λx.M)* = !(λy.let !x = y in M*)
(M N)* = (let !z = M* in z) N*
The first thing to notice about this translation is that !-introduction is used only around CBV values (variables and lambdas). Thus the CBN semantics of !-elimination never causes trouble. Variables can be !-ed because they will always be let-bound in this translation. On the other hand, the CBV semantics of linear functions means that in the application M N, the translated argument N* will be evaluated to some !L before substitution -- and, as we already mentioned, L can by construction only be a value. Note that the let-bindings in the translation are not used to force evaluation--after all, they are CBN!--but simply to eliminate the ! that we are wrapping around every value.
The CBN translation differs only in the rule for application:
Here again, the lets are just being used to unpack !-ed values. The significant change is the introduction of a ! around the translation of N: it has the effect of suspending the computation of the argument, because in linear λ-calculus, !M is a value.(M N)* = (let !z = M* in z) !(let !z = N* in z)
These translations are adapted from Maraist et al, who attribute them to Girard. I changed the CBN translation, however, to ease comparison to the CBV translation.
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