Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Call-by-name, call-by-value, and the linear lambda calculus

I've started work at MSRC, and one of my immediate goals is to get better acquainted with the linear λ-calculus. Girard's linear logic is the archetypical substructural logic: a proof of a linear implication A B is a proof of B that uses the assumption A exactly once. The logic is substructural because it lacks two of the "structural rules", namely contraction and weakening, that would permit assumptions to be duplicated or thrown away, respectively. On the other hand, linear logic includes a modality ! (read "of course") under which the structural rules hold. Thus you can prove that !A ⊸ (!B ⊸ !A), throwing away the assumption about B.

Linear logic, via Curry-Howard, begets linear λ-calculus. Here's a simple implicational version:

M ::= x | λx.M | M N | !M let !x = M in N
τ ::= o | τ ⊸ τ | !τ
where o is a base type. When a variable x is bound by a λ, it must be used exactly once in the body. When it is bound in a let, it can be used freely in the body. The catch is that in let !x = M in N, M must be of type !τ. Expressions of type !τ are introduced as !M, where M can only mention let-bound variables.

There is an interesting and natural operational semantics for this calculus, where functions have a call-by-value (CBV) semantics and lets have a call-by-name (CBN) semantics. Rather than exploring that design choice, however, I want to talk about one way to exploit it.

It turns out that intuitionistic logic (IL) embeds, in a certain sense, into intuitionistic linear logic (ILL). The most well-known embedding is (AB)* = !A* ⊸ B*, so that A is valid in IL iff A* is valid in ILL. The intuition is simple: a proof in IL is just a linear proof in which every assumption is treated structurally. Other embeddings are possible; I'm going to use (AB)* = !(A* ⊸ B*), for reasons that will become clear momentarily.

The connection between IL and ILL propositions raises a question from the Curry-Howard perspective: can we embed λ-calculus terms into linear λ-calculus terms, such that their types follow the * embedding above? The answer is yes -- and more. Just as Plotkin gave two CPS transformations, corresponding to CBV and CBN semantics, we can map λ-calculus into linear λ-calculus in two ways, again preserving CBV and CBN semantics.

First, the CBV version:
x* = !x
x.M)* = !(λy.let !x = y in M*)
(M N)* = (let !z = M* in z) N*

The first thing to notice about this translation is that !-introduction is used only around CBV values (variables and lambdas). Thus the CBN semantics of !-elimination never causes trouble. Variables can be !-ed because they will always be let-bound in this translation. On the other hand, the CBV semantics of linear functions means that in the application M N, the translated argument N* will be evaluated to some !L before substitution -- and, as we already mentioned, L can by construction only be a value. Note that the let-bindings in the translation are not used to force evaluation--after all, they are CBN!--but simply to eliminate the ! that we are wrapping around every value.

The CBN translation differs only in the rule for application:
(M N)* = (let !z = M* in z) !(let !z = N* in z)
Here again, the lets are just being used to unpack !-ed values. The significant change is the introduction of a ! around the translation of N: it has the effect of suspending the computation of the argument, because in linear λ-calculus, !M is a value.

These translations are adapted from Maraist et al, who attribute them to Girard. I changed the CBN translation, however, to ease comparison to the CBV translation.

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