The join calculus, originally developed for distributed programming, offers a truly elegant solution to this classic concurrency problem. In fact, the solution requires little more than stating the problem:
channel hungry[1..n]
channel chops[1..n]
when hungry[1], chops[1], chops[2] do
eat(1); chops[1]; chops[2]; think(1); hungry[1]
when hungry[n], chops[n], chops[1] do
eat(n); chops[n]; chops[1]; think(n); hungry[1]
hungry[1] ; ... ; hungry[n]
chops[1] ; ... ; chops[n]
This bit of pseudocode treats each chopstick as a separate channel, and also uses channels to represent requests for chopsticks (hungry). There are a collection of joins, which provide an event handler that should fire when messages are available on a given set of channels. All the relevant messages are removed from their queues in a single atomic step.
Aside from a few important details (e.g. are channels synchronous? it depends), that example provides a pretty complete picture of what the join calculus offers. It's possible to code up solutions to a number of classic problems in a similarly succinct way: reader-writer locks, barriers, condition variables, semaphores, Santa Claus...
Of course, many synchronization constructs (even the lowly lock) are capable of encoding a large variety of other constructs, though perhaps not as elegantly. The real question is whether such encodings provide the same parallel scalability that a direct solution does.
To answer this question for the join-based encodings, we need to know how joins are implemented. An implementation must provide the atomicity guarantee described above, and every implementation I'm aware of does this by using a single lock per group of joined channels. This centralized lock destroys scalability because it sequentializes use of the channels and firing of events. In the case of the dining philosophers, it means that two philosophers sitting far from one another must still contend for the same lock before picking up their independent chopsticks.
I've been working on an algorithm and implementation that allows for a much finer grain of concurrency. Stay tuned...